529 research outputs found

    Die Flucht nach vorne : das Motiv Zukunft in der Weltausstellungsarchitektur der 1960er Jahre

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 27. bis 30. Juni 1996 in Weimar an der Bauhaus-Universität zum Thema: ‚Techno-Fiction. Zur Kritik der technologischen Utopien

    Comparisons of global topographic/isostatic models to the Earth's observed gravity field

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    The Earth's gravitational potential, as described by a spherical harmonic expansion to degree 180, was compared to the potential implied by the topography and its isostatic compensation using five different hypothesis. Initially, series expressions for the Airy/Heiskanen topographic isostatic model were developed to the third order in terms of (h/R), where h is equivalent rock topography and R is a mean Earth radius. Using actual topographic developments for the Earth, it was found that the second and third terms of the expansion contributed 30 and 3 percents, of the first of the expansion. With these new equations it is possible to compute depths (D) of compensation, by degree, using 3 different criteria. The results show that the average depth implied by criterion I is 60 km while it is about 33 km for criteria 2 and 3 with smaller compensation depths at the higher degrees. Another model examined was related to the Vening-Meinesz regional hypothesis implemented in the spectral domain. Finally, oceanic and continental response functions were derived for the global data sets and comparisons made to locally determined values

    Eğitimde Sosyal Medya Kullanımına Yönelik Yükseköğretim Düzeyindeki Eğitmenlerin Algısı : Türkiye-Almanya Örneklemi

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    Bu çalismanin amaci, AB FP7 Era.Net Rusya isbirligi kapsaminda TÜBITAK destegi ile yürütülen Ülkeler Arasi Ögrenme için Katalizör olarak Sosyal Medya (SoMeCat)5 adli arastirma projesi kapsaminda, Türkiye ve Almanya’da yüksekögretim düzeyindeki egitmenlerin sosyal medyaya karsi algisini belirleyerek iki ülke arasindaki kültürel farkliliklari ortaya çikarmaktir. Bu nitel arastirma, durum çalismasi olarak tasarlanmistir. Katilimcilar amaçli örnekleme yöntemine göre seçilmistir. Türkiye’den Orta Dogu Teknik Üniversitesi (ODTÜ) ve Ankara Üniversitesi (AÜ), Almanya’dan Konstanz Gölü Üniversitesi (KGÜ) ve Berlin Teknik Üniversitesi (BTÜ) katilimci üniversitelerdir. Toplam 22 gönüllü egitmenle (Türkiye 12, Almanya 10) görüsme yapilmistir. Görüsmeler yüz yüze ya da Skype/Hangout kullanilarak çevrimiçi yapilmistir. Görüsme formunda arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilen 11 açik uçlu soru bulunmaktadir. Görüsmeler, 20-60 dakika arasinda degisiklik göstermistir. Toplanan veriler, katilimcilarin demografik bilgileri, göç, güncel teknolojiler, günlük hayatta ve egitsel ortamlarda sosyal medya kullanimi ve algilarin yani sira kültürel farkliliklar açisindan analiz edilmistir. Elde edilen verilere göre, egitmenler sosyal medyanin egitim odakli potansiyelinin farkindadir ancak yeterli seviyede bilinçli degildir. Iki ülkeye göre egitmenlerin kullandigi ortak araçlar olmasina ragmen, farklik gösteren araçlar da bulunmustur. Bazi egitmenler egitimle sosyal medya araçlarinin bütünlestirilmesinde sorun yasamaktadir. Türkler, bu sorunlarin genel olarak mevcut altyapinin yetersizligi ve egitsel rehberlik edici kilavuzlarin eksikliginden kaynaklandigini belirtmistir. Almanlarin çogu pozitif görüse sahiptir. Genel olarak iki ülkede de egitim kurumlarinin bir plan ve stratejiye sahip olmamasinin büyük bir sorun oldugu görülmüstür. Ayrica, egitimde sosyal medya araçlarinin kullanimina yönelik kurumlarin egitmenleri tesvik edici herhangi bir politikasi ya da stratejisi olmadigi sonucuna varilmistir. Social media is becoming more prevalent in educational environments. It is used for enhancing communication, making students more interested and active, enhancing students’ motivation, sharing course materials, etc. in educational settings. Therefore, to benefit social media more in educational settings, their existing potential for educational purposes should be explored in depth. In this context, the characteristic features of social media tools should be defined clearly. Moreover, the attitude of students and educators toward social media is another important issue. For this purpose, attitudes of instructors toward social media at higher education institutions was tried to be investigated finding out cultural differences among two countries in this study. This study included a part of a joint research project named Social Media as Catalyzer for Cross National Learning (SoMeCat) within the scope of EU FP7 Era.Net Russia and supported by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitudes of educators toward social media at higher education institutions in Turkey and Germany and also compare and explore the potential cultural differences between two countries

    Exploration of teaching preferences of instructors' use of social media

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    With the excessive use of social media in the 21st century, attempts to integrate social media within higher education have also increased. In this area, research has been particularly focused on the aspects of students, rather than the instructors. This study puts the emphasis on the instructors with the aim to explore their use of social media in educational settings. Their respective teaching preferences were explored, from a pedagogical perspective, with the help of a Social Media Toolkit. The toolkit was developed to guide instructors that want to integrate social media in their teaching. This study was designed as a descriptive study and quantitative data was collected from 583 instructors from 39 countries. The participants responded to four main questions in an online environment. Results revealed that instructors mostly prefer to teach their subject at the applying and understanding levels. They frequently use text-based materials and design their courses as problem-based or on a presentation model. They mostly prefer to assess students using alternative methods based on their performance, like portfolios, group works, etc. whilst classical methods were also preferred. Overall findings indicated that any instructor from any discipline or culture can transform courses onto a social media platform thanks to many different and varied features provided by social media tools

    Emergence, Power Relations, and Proponents: A New Display of War and Nazi Crimes at the House of History at the Museum Niederösterreich

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    The House of History (Haus der Geschichte im Museum Niederösterreich) opened in September 2017 as a new part of the Museum Niederösterreich in St. Pölten. 2021 saw a major redesign of exhibition parts addressing European history between 1914 and 1945 and its close connection to historical events on a local and regional level at the same period of time. The aim was to refocus the exhibition’s content and achieve further evolution of its display and mediation concept. The new presentation takes a longer perspective on social and political developments and highlights continuities and processes. Nazi atrocities are shown in their historical context and conveyed through individual victim biographies. Violent images are employed consciously and in a manner that encourages viewer empathy without precluding their ability to reflect rationally on the subject. The guiding considerations of our revision will be sketched in this article.The House of History (Haus der Geschichte im Museum Niederösterreich) opened in September 2017 as a new part of the Museum Niederösterreich in St. Pölten. 2021 saw a major redesign of exhibition parts addressing European history between 1914 and 1945 and its close connection to historical events on a local and regional level at the same period of time. The aim was to refocus the exhibition’s content and achieve further evolution of its display and mediation concept. The new presentation takes a longer perspective on social and political developments and highlights continuities and processes. Nazi atrocities are shown in their historical context and conveyed through individual victim biographies. Violent images are employed consciously and in a manner that encourages viewer empathy without precluding their ability to reflect rationally on the subject. The guiding considerations of our revision will be sketched in this article

    Ponašanje termički modificiranog drva u vanjskim uvjetima primjene – trajnost, abrazija i izgled

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    Thermally modified timber (TMT) is increasingly offered in Europe as an alternative to preservative treated timber. TMT durability in field tests as well as its moisture sorption behaviour in façade application was determined so as to consider its suitability for outdoor use. Additionally, abrasion and crack-formation of TMT deckings were examined and the optical appearance of a TMT façade was evaluated after 5 years of service. After 7.5 years exposure in ground contact, the various TMT materials tested were classed as “slightly durable” to “not durable” whereas the classification in above ground exposure was “very durable” to “moderately durable”, which was in line with the reduced moisture sorption of TMT in weathered application. Moreover, the TMT-decking showed less abrasion and crack-formation compared to references, though the TMT façade revealed considerable discoloration by weathering. Hence, the suitability of TMT for above ground use is suggested, but a surface treatment is obligatory if discoloration is objectionable.Termički modificirano drvo (TMT) sve se više nudi u Europi kao alternativa kemijski zaštićenom drvu. Za ocjenu prikladnosti TMT-a za vanjsku upotrebu ispitivana je biološka trajnost u vanjskim uvjetima, kao i sorpcija vode u elementima fasade. Dodatno je ispitivana otpornost na abraziju i nastajanje pukotina u TMT podovima, te je napravljen vizualni pregled TMT fasade nakon petogodišnje upotrebe. Nakon 7,5 godina izloženosti u dodiru s tlom, različiti TMT materijali ocijenjeni su kao "slabo otporni" do "neotporni" dok su ocjene tog istog materijala za izlaganje iznad tla bile "vrlo otporno" do "srednje otporno". Dobivene su ocjene, u skladu sa smanjenom sorpcijom vode TMT materijala u vanjskoj upotrebi. Štoviše, TMT podovi pokazali su manju abraziju i pukotine od referentnog drva, iako su TMT elementi fasade pokazali veću diskoloraciju uzrokovanu abiološkom razgradnjom. Dakle, TMT je u vanjskim uvjetima i iznad tla preporučljiv za upotrebu, ali uz obveznu površinsku obradu ako se želi izbjeći diskoloracija

    Enriching higher education with social media : development and evaluation of a social media toolkit

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    While ubiquitous in everyday use, in reality, social media usage within higher education teaching has expanded quite slowly. Analysis of social media usage of students and instructors for teaching, learning and research purposes across four countries (Russia, Turkey, Germany, and Switzerland) showed that many higher education instructors actively use social media for private purposes. However, although they understand that their students also use it for learning purposes, and instructors sense the potential of social media in teaching, they mostly refrain from doing so due to various barriers. In response, an openly accessible trilingual Social Media Toolkit was developed which analyses the teaching scenario with several questions, before suggesting, based on an algorithm, the best matching class of social media, complete with advice on how to use it for teaching purposes. This paper explains the rationale behind the toolkit, its development process, and examines instructors’ perceptions towards it